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What We Do

Topographical Surveys

Aerial Surveying & Mapping

Low-Cost terrain survey for engineering grade topographical mapping for civil works & planning, pre – post blast data, aerial imagery and orthomosaic generation, etc. The deliverables include: high-resolution aerial image with sub-centimeter resolution, digital terrain models and cartographic standard feature map of all features in the area. 

Unmanned Aeromagnetic Surveys

With the capability to fly smaller areas than a traditional airborne survey and incorporating tighter line spacing of up to 10m and altitudes as low as 35m above the surface, we can provide higher resolution magnetic data and map subtler geologic features that a manned aeromagnetic survey cannot achieve. 


Unmanned LiDAR Surveys

Our LiDAR solution will have advantages over using a photogrammetric solution to produce geo data in vegetated areas where the ground level is important or mapping of power lines or other small details that will otherwise not be picked up.

Stockpile & Pit Volumetric Analysis

Iron Mask Aerotech is specialized in highly accurate surveys of stockpiles & pits using drones to acquire volumes required for material inventory control.

Stockpile DSM

3D Modelling & Infrastructure Inspections

Geo-tagged high-resolution images captured at strategic points around and above the structure of interest are used to generate a fully interactive 3-Dimensional model of the structure to allow engineers to analyze the deformation of structure and assets and design new features to be attached to the structure. The model allows for measurements to be done in 3D using our specialized software.

Precision Agriculture

Our precision agriculture solutions that include crop health monitoring, plant height profiling and crop counts are a game changer for farmers and interested stakeholders such as crop insurance companies that require rapid post disaster assessments, auditing firms that conduct bio-audits on large scale farming projects and plantations. For the farmers, our solution allows them to detect subtle changes that cannot be readily identified by ‘crop scouts’ at ground level.

The state-of-the-art sensor payloads can collect multispectral images that are manipulated to generate several crop data indices that allow users to view crop stress conditions that are otherwise invisible to the human eye.

Precision Agriculture

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Contact us to  discuss your project in great detail and we can explore the world of drones together.